brewers baseball and things

in defense of Rose


is there any difference between Pete Rose and St. Anthony of Padua – 
the patron saint of shipwrecks?
i mean none of us know where we will wind up.
we’re just suddenly there,
wondering what the hell happened.

I assume St. Anthony gambled too…..on God,
on it all working out the way he wanted, on what he prayed for, to make it all come true, magic, God magic.

and if you bet on your own team to win,
isn’t that like praying for your monk brothers to make a great batch of wine? on diving for balls and taking one on the shin, one for the team?

i’d drink that wine.
i’d vote for Rose.


Author: Steve Myers

I grew up in Milwaukee and have been a Milwaukee Brewers baseball fan for as long as I can remember.

8 thoughts on “in defense of Rose

  1. Fantastic ending. Pete Rose and the saint of shipwrecks. Fitting pairing. Do you think it’s time to forgive Rose?

    • I definitely think so. From what I understand, he only bet on his own team to win. I could be wrong, but if that’s the case, I see it as a positive, to playing extra hard, to win. I see no benefit in keeping players like Rose who did something “wrong” in the eyes of baseball authorities out of the Hall of Fame. Why can’t they just include what the player did to their Cooperstown profile, to include it all so the next generation knows some of the history, the complete story regardless if what they did is deemed “positive” or “negative.” What do you think?

  2. St. Anthony of Padua hails from one of the best cities and countries I have visited _ Lisbon, Portugal. Highly recommend it.

    I noticed St. Anthony of Padua is especially venerated as the patron saint for the recovery of lost items. Perhaps he could help Pete Rose find his lost dignity.

    • Great idea for St. Anthony of Padua to “help Pete Rose find his lost dignity.” I sure hope it happens. Thanks for recommending Lisbon, Portugal. I’m not too much of a traveler, but I did visit Seville, Spain and now wish I would have gone to Portugal during that trip. My girlfriend and I talk about different places to visit one of these years. So far, Japan and southern France have been discussed. I’m now going to add Lisbon as a possibility.

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